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The Rapa Nui creation myth tells the story that once the earth was created, Make-Make the creation God, realized that something was missing and decided to populate the planet. He took a pumpkin full of water and could see his own reflection in it at the same time that a bird perched on his shoulder. By putting together the bird’s silhouette and his own, he gave life to his first son.
continued with the feeling that he wanted to create someone similar to himself, that could talk and also think. He tried to impregnate the ocean, but fishes were born out of this. In a second try, he impregnated a big stone made of red earth, and this is how a man was born.

Happy with his creation, Make-Make realized that this man was alone and decided to create also a woman.
This is why Make-Make is not only 
considered to be the creator of the world, but he is also strongly related to the idea of fertility and above all, to food abundance; which was and is still mainly based on sea products.

crear - create

darse cuenta- realize

decidir - decide

tomar - take

encaramarse - perche

dar - give

continuar - continue

querer - want

intentar - try

impregnado - impregnate

considerado - consider

basado - base


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