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Objective: Reconocer elementos relacionados con  la cultura inca a través de un texto interactivo , desarrollando el respeto por otras culturas

Activity N°1:  Fill in the blanks with the missing words according to the Inca´s lagoon legend, you can guide yourself with the legend. 





Objective: Reconocer elementos relacionados con práticas de la cultura inca, a través de textos escuchados de manera de audiovisual, desarrollando el respeto por otras culturas.

Activity N°1: Select with an X the correct alternative ( a, b, c or d) according to the audio/video about the Inca civilization. You will listen to the audio just TWICE.

Activity N°2: Compare your answers with your elbow buddy and give feedback to each other.







Objective: Elaborar una leyenda considerando elementos de la cultura inca, a partir del texto y material audiovisual, teniendo en cuenta frases, palabra o expresiones para desarrollar el interés por otra cultura. 

Activity: Create your own legend according to one of the facts that appear in the Inca’s civilization video, you can choose anything you prefer. This task can be individual or in pairs. Be CREATIVE!







Objective:  Discutir sobre la cultura Inca a través de preguntas que orientan la reflexión grupal de manera respetuosa.

Activity:  Think -group-share activity. A simple interaction can be created as a discussion group following some questions about the legend, the indigenous civilization, and our culture, that promotes reflection and different opinions. forming various groups they can discuss different questions each group, the groups can choose a “spokesperson” who can share the group ideas. At the end of the activity, the whole class will have the answers to all the questions.

The audio recorder on their phone can be used to save the ideas and to promote the use of ICT. The students can take notes about some important facts.
















Inca's empire - Inca's empire

Profesora Daniela Aguirre

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